lunes, 4 de abril de 2011

“My life during the Great Depression”

Great Depression
What times I have had to live!  The economy was very bad. When the stock market crashed in 1929, I lost a lot of money. Then I began to go to the breadlines, that is a place where I could get free food. The luck that my family and I have had is that he has been a chosen president of United States of America, Franklin D. Roosevelt.  He established the Federal Emergency Relief Administration that is an Administration of the government to help families like mine. With the money that they gave me, I bought a small local where now my family has a pastry shop. The business is being ok. Last night I heard in the news of the radio that Amelia Earhart, in a attempt to fly around the world disappeared somewhere over the Pacific Ocean. With the economic relief that the shop has given to me, I went with my wife to the cinema to see the movie that is having  much success, “Gone with the Wind”. This is my life. I hope that no country in the world returns to live a crisis like that I have lived.

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